CFD analysis for the design of a sprayer for direct lube tilting pad journal bearing

14th EDF/Pprime Workshop: Futuroscope, October 8 & 9, 2015
“Influence of design and materials on journal and thrust bearing performance”

The purpose of the article is to compare the operational characteristic of a direct lube tilting pad bearing measured during a component level test with steady state CFD predictions. Simulations assume that oil-air flow is identical on each pad. Both volume of fluid method (VOF) and single phase analyses have been conducted to allow the comparison with the “static” variables (zero order) such as pad babbitt temperatures, oil pressure/temperature, flow rate, and power losses. As regards the identification of linearized rotordynamic coefficient, the “Instrumental Variable Filter” (IVF) experimental method was used in the frequency domain; dynamic force controlled excitation express the small perturbation around equilibrium position (1st order), and proximity probes opportunely placed recorded the corresponding displacement. The ratio of these terms provides the complex dynamic impedance (whose real part represent the stiffness while the imaginary the damping) exercised by the oil film whose entities are compared with a 2D Reynolds simulation. The coherence with this iterative technique has finally allowed to optimize the size of the sprayer to ensure the maximum covering of oil film from the leading edge to the exit of each individual pad.’une_buse_de_pulverisation_pour_un_palier_a_patins_oscillants_avec_une_lubrificatio